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Strona główna » Offer

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The cardboard containers perfectly meet the requirements of transport, magazine and protective function. We produce the boxes from cardboard for the wide range of products made by Polish and foreign producers.

The boxes from 3and 5 layers cardboard are ideally fitted in product’s requirements as well as customer’s wishes.

Cardboard is so useful material which can be designed into an infinite variety of shape and will satisfy even an extremely fussy customer.

We offer (production range):


  • Boxes with flaps
  • Template boxes
  • Boxes according to individual order of the customers
  • Boxes on the basis of FEFCO models
  • Polypropylene tapes


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Ilość zdjęć w galerii: 31

Tektur Pak
ul. Łódzka 16, 97-310 Moszczenica
tel. +48 509 041 535
tel. +48 664 200 538
e-mail: biuro@tektur-pak.pl


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Zajmujemy się produkcją i dystrybucją opakowań kartonowych z tektur falistych i litych, na podstawie wzorów FEFCO, oraz pod indywidualne zamówienie klienta. Produkujemy opakowania kartonowe, kartony klapowe, kartony fasonowe.